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Friday, April 3, 2009

Dr. Horrible Summary: Facebook Style

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I was inspired to do this by DeeDee Baldwin's wonderful Austenbook! And as she pointed out, the news feed should actually go in reverse, but this makes for easier reading.


SupComTabz said...

This is so awesome! I'd love to have you on Joss'd (a podcast about all things Joss Whedon) to talk about it!

Shoot me an email if you're interested - supcomtabz-at-gmail.com

- Tabz

Donne said...

I agree; this is completely made of awesome. I especially love the "groupies" bits. XD

Dolorosa said...

This is great!

Megan P.I. said...

Totally rad! I love it <3

CaffieneKitty said...

I don't even do Facebook and I think this is fantastic! And chilling!