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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Singing Kitty / Dave's haircut

Here's a video of Leora singing, also known as Cat Yodeling. Also David being silly with me. Don't you love his new haircut?? And he finally shaved! :)

Here's a picture of my incredibly handsome husband! ♥

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Random Stuff

I'm such a dork. Last night David was asking me why I don't talk more when we talk to people. I told him I never know what to say. Then when I finally did have a comment, I said something totally idiotic. I was pretty embarassed. Technically, the person I was talking to didn't give me any funny looks or anything, but I'm pretty sure I sounded really stupid. *facepalm*

Anyway, I do have a few other things to talk about besides my inability to form a coherent sentence when faced with an actual human being instead of a computer screen.

I looked ahead on The Living Room's reading calendar and found out that on September 21 of this year, I will have read the entire New Testament! I'm so excited!

I got a new purse/bag/thing. I keep wanting to call it a purse but I guess it's a bag. Anyway, it's cute. I got it at Anchor Blue at the mall while I was job hunting. I bought it with money from our last yard sale.
Click for full view.
I guess I don't have as much to talk about as I thought. I'm a pretty boring person right now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Things aren't looking good

I would love to make a really interesting update, but I can't. Things are just kind of stinky right now. I can't find a job. Our situation is really serious. I'm pretty stressed out.

Still, there are two bright spots in every week that I'm able to look forward to. One of them was yesterday, church at Harvest, and the other is tomorrow, The Living Room. If I wasn't able to get out of the house (for a reason besides job hunting) and be able to have those enjoyable times, I'd go nuts.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking

This is my very first attempt at digital scrapbooking. All the elements are separate and I put them together in Photoshop. The pictures are from March 11, 2006 when Calvary Community Church's college group took a trip to California to visit Six Flags, the beach, and Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Tell me what you think! More to come.

"Boardwalk Collection" by Sara Carling
Downloaded from Scrapbook Bytes

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Things I Like

Inspired by this post by Greg Laurie, I decided to do my own list of things I like.

I've always loved to read. From elementary school up until about 11th grade reading was pretty much all that I did. (I actually had somewhat of a social life my senior year.) Some of my favorite books are: Sherlock Holmes, I Robot, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Princess Bride, The Phantom of the Opera, The Lord of the Rings, Anne of Green Gables...

I've always been a big fan of musicals, thanks in large part to my dad, who introduced me to Rodgers and Hammerstein. It's one of my favorite film/theater genres, and it's my favorite type of music to sing. You know...if there's nobody else around.

I'm definitely a big fandom geek. My favorite fandoms are Star Trek (Original Series, Next Generation, and Voyager), Star Wars, Back to the Future, Firefly, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.

I really like coffee, but I like tea even better. Especially English tea. I think my favorite is Earl Grey...and not only because it's Picard's favorite!

I'm a huge animal lover. Practically all types of animals; dogs, cats, rats, snakes, doesn't matter. My favorite animals are the big cats, especially lions. Absolutely gorgeous. I've always wanted to be a big cat handler. (Among other equally far-fetched dreams.) No wonder The Lion King is my second favorite Disney movie.


The thing I'm most interested in studying is the Bible, and more specifically, how to defend the faith. I love going to Lenny Esposito's Come Reason classes, listening to my Dad's online apologetics class, and reading books like the one on the right.

Sleep-Deprived Rambling

I'm having one of my infrequent but nevertheless obnoxious bouts of insomnia. It usually takes me a while to get to sleep at night, but I almost never end up having to get up because of it. Tonight my brain just wouldn't shut up.

So I'm lying there trying to convince myself that it's time to sleep, and all the while stuff is running through my mind and I just can't make it stop. Now, if the things running through my mind were intelligent and profound, I would thank my insomnia for keeping me up and giving me a chance to think all these wonderful thoughts. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

One of the things keeping my brain up was a desire to write something, anything. Preferably more of my lame "super heroes" story which still remains untitled. Unfortunately my villain is being extremely stubborn right now and is not allowing me to write any of his scenes. As a result, I skipped ahead a few days ago to start writing the scene where my two main characters finally get together. This brought me to the realization that there actually is someone in the world who is capable of writing worse romance dialogue than George Lucas. How embarrassing.

Anyway, I opened my story document and nothing came to me, so I decided to blog instead. (I know by now you're all wishing I had just stayed in bed.) You know what I haven't done in a long time? Written poetry. If you can call it poetry, that is. I should probably just call it Weird Stuff That Kind Of Rhymes. I've only written a handful of poems in my life, and most of them are Star Trek poems. (Yes, I said Star Trek poems.) I think my favorite poem is called "Jim" and it's about the end of Star Trek: The Search for Spock, after the fal-tor-pan ritual. Such a great moment. Kirk and Spock are my all-time favorite fictional duo.

All right, enough of my sleep-deprived rambling. Good night.

PS: I can't think of a tag for this post besides "my day," but I only really talked about my night, so here's a summary of my day...

Read Acts chapter 3
Watched Voyager. Janeway rocked.
Went on the computer.
Stopped my cat from destroying the bathroom.
Went on the computer again.
Took a shower.
Went to The Living Room. Heard awesome music and teaching.
Went to bed. Couldn't sleep. Wrote random nonsense on Blogger.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Kaylee Parasol

This is a parasol I won at a Shindig when I lived in Arizona. It's made to look like Kaylee's from the show Firefly. The colors are a bit off because of the lighting (the pink is actually red), but you get the idea.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I found out at the last minute that my cousin who works at Disneyland was able to get us some free tickets, so Dave and I were able to go with his family yesterday. It was fun. I haven't been in a very long time. I didn't take as many touristy kinds of pictures as I would have liked, but maybe some day Dave and I will go by ourselves, and that will allow us to go more slowly and take lots of pictures. Here are a few of the ones I took yesterday.