I'm such a dork. Last night David was asking me why I don't talk more when we talk to people. I told him I never know what to say. Then when I finally did have a comment, I said something totally idiotic. I was pretty embarassed. Technically, the person I was talking to didn't give me any funny looks or anything, but I'm pretty sure I sounded really stupid. *facepalm*
Anyway, I do have a few other things to talk about besides my inability to form a coherent sentence when faced with an actual human being instead of a computer screen.
Anyway, I do have a few other things to talk about besides my inability to form a coherent sentence when faced with an actual human being instead of a computer screen.
I looked ahead on The Living Room's reading calendar and found out that on September 21 of this year, I will have read the entire New Testament! I'm so excited!
I got a new purse/bag/thing. I keep wanting to call it a purse but I guess it's a bag. Anyway, it's cute. I got it at Anchor Blue at the mall while I was job hunting. I bought it with money from our last yard sale.

I used to have this problem too when I was an introvert. At first I would try to predict what the other person was going to say and then concieve a response but this always ended up falling apart after a few lines of dialog. Then I tried limiting myself to short but thoughtful phrases. The only problem was that the topic would change before I could say what I wants to say. I finally came across the social lessons of Seven of Nine. I found them somewhat funny but more importantly useful. I realized that I was going to make some mistakes learning how to make conversation and that's natural. You will get better if you practice. If you have problems, just take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Maybe you could try to pretending that the other person is some you're comfortable with like David or your Mom.
Just fun, I found an excerpt from one of the lessons.
Seven recites tonelessly: "'Please remain still so that I can treat your injuries. Thank you. I'm sorry, did that hurt. I'll try to be more careful. Thanks for being a patient patient. Have a pleasant afternoon.'" She tells the Doctor, "This is absurd."
Doctor: "Not at all, keep going."
Seven: "This vernacular is not applicable to my duties on Voyager."
Doctor: "I created these exercises three years ago to familiarise myself with the social graces. I found that if I repeated them several times each day the words became almost second nature. Let's continue. Exercise 2 The Workplace Encounter. Kes used to help me with this one. I'll be the nurse, you be the doctor."
They read from padds:
Seven: "'Please hand me the hypospray.'"
Doctor: "'Of course, doctor, immediately.'"
Seven: "'Thank you.' Looks at instrument."
Doctor: "No, don't read that part, only the dialogue."
Seven: "'Excuse me, nurse, this is the wrong hypospray. Would you mind finding the correct one.'"
Doctor: "'Not at all.'"
Seven: "'Did I mention you look lovely today.'"
Doctor: "'Oh doctor, you're so charming.'"
Seven: "This lesson is terminated."
Doctor: "I know it's awkward. For me it was even even painful. But I think you'll find the rewards well worth the effort."
Seven: "Rewards?"
Doctor: "The ability to put others at ease, make them feel more comfortable around you. You're a lot like me when I was first activated. If I'd had a mentor, things would have gone a lot more smoothly. I'm willing to share my wisdom, but if you're not interested I'll stick to your physiological maintenance."
Seven: "I will examine your data."
Doctor: "Oh good. Pay special attention to Exercise 17 Bridge Banter for Beginners."
Seven, leaving, making an effort but still reciting tonelessly: "Have a pleasant day."
Doctor, pleased: "Mmm."
Oops, I meant just for fun.
Hehe! I saw that episode a while back. I just love Voyager!
Ha, I just saw that episode! My sister's Netflixing through every season. It has become a nightly ritual :D
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