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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I like green tea!

Today I discovered that I do like green tea after all! Before this morning I had only ever had Arizona cold green tea, and I thought it was pretty nasty. But today I tried the jasmine green tea that I got for Christmas, and I loved it! I was sad when I thought that I couldn't appreciate green tea, so this makes me happy.

Ok, so that's a pretty boring post. So what else? David and I are going to get a couch and a lazy boy chair! The Wiggins family is getting a new couch, and they're giving us their old stuff! That means that when Dave and I are finally in an apartment on our own again, we'll have a comfy place to sit! I'm so excited! We'll probably be moving it on Thursday. I'll try to post pictures. Of course it's just going to go sit in the garage until we move because there's no room in the guest house. We might be able to squeeze the lazy boy in here, though. Maybe.

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