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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Job interview
I had a working interview at a chiropractor's office today. I think it went well, but they want to interview a few more people first. I'm probably going to do one more working interview before I find out if I'm going to get the job.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hiking Pictures
David and I went hiking on Mt. Rubidoux. Here are just a few of the many pictures I took. More can be found at my MySpace gallery. David looks sooo incredibly gorgeous in these pictures! He's so handsome! :D
Cupcakes / The Well
Yesterday I made cupcakes for the first time in my life. Not that it's hard or anything. Well, except for the decorative frosting part. Mine look like a 10 year old frosted them, but that's ok. They're yummy. The thing is, there's a ton of them. For some reason I decided to make both chocolate and vanilla, so I have two boxes worth of cupcakes. I brought some over to a neighbor's house because there's no way we're going to eat them all before they go bad. Their kids seemed very excited about it. I guess free cupcakes are always a good thing.
Yesterday was my first day going to my church's college-age group, The Well. It was good, but since David can't go because he bowls on Fridays, I was lonely. Still, I think I'll probably try it again next week. They're going on a retreat in May and doing four workshops, including The Bible and Apologetics. I would love to go, but it's $130.

my day
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A new thought
Tonight was the first time I took notes at The Living Room (click image below). I definitely want to continue and I wish I’d started earlier. I think I might actually prefer these chapter-by-chapter notes to topical notes, because whenever I go back to that chapter again I can easily find my notes covering that section. Very practical.
Steve said something today that was a complete revelation to me. He was talking about how when he was new in the faith he was listening to the testimony of a guy who had been really into drugs and all kinds of bad things and how he had overcome all that to become a Christian. He was really impressed by the guy’s testimony, but another guy said that he had heard better: the testimony of a person who had accepted Christ at a young age and hadn’t walked away from the faith but continued to stand firm and to grow in it.
I had always thought that my testimony (I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ at age 3 or 4) was kind of boring and wouldn’t be very impressive compared to a person who had a more dramatic story. What Steve said made me think about it in a whole new light and made me realize more fully the value of my testimony. So many people who accept Christ as children turn from it once they get older and are exposed to and tempted by the things of the world. So while it’s a miracle when someone turns from their sinful ways to trust in God, it might be even more of a miracle for someone to resist turning to those sinful ways in the first place.
Steve said something today that was a complete revelation to me. He was talking about how when he was new in the faith he was listening to the testimony of a guy who had been really into drugs and all kinds of bad things and how he had overcome all that to become a Christian. He was really impressed by the guy’s testimony, but another guy said that he had heard better: the testimony of a person who had accepted Christ at a young age and hadn’t walked away from the faith but continued to stand firm and to grow in it.
I had always thought that my testimony (I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ at age 3 or 4) was kind of boring and wouldn’t be very impressive compared to a person who had a more dramatic story. What Steve said made me think about it in a whole new light and made me realize more fully the value of my testimony. So many people who accept Christ as children turn from it once they get older and are exposed to and tempted by the things of the world. So while it’s a miracle when someone turns from their sinful ways to trust in God, it might be even more of a miracle for someone to resist turning to those sinful ways in the first place.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
New (hand-me-down) desk
Here is my husband's old desk that was in his brother's room for a while that is now replacing my broken one. Note the duct tape on the keyboard tray. It's a lot more fancy than my old desk, though. Look how many CDs I can store! I used to only have that little CD holder that you see on the left side of the desk. And look at all the storage nooks! I just love organization. My husband would laugh if he heard me say that, but it's true. I'm a messy person who loves organization. Strange, I know.
At church this morning they sang the song that I mentioned a couple entries ago. (A Heart That Burns For You) If this was Live Journal, I would post all of the lyrics under an LJ-cut. Since it isn't, I'll just post a selection.
You found me on the road that leads to nowhere
You opened up my eyes to see the truth
You offered me the bread of sweet communion
You've given me a heart that burns for you
Within my heart
You started a fire
Down in my heart
A strong desire
That burns for you

You found me on the road that leads to nowhere
You opened up my eyes to see the truth
You offered me the bread of sweet communion
You've given me a heart that burns for you
Within my heart
You started a fire
Down in my heart
A strong desire
That burns for you
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Destructive sneezes
Not much to talk about today. I filled out more job applications and cleaned the apartment. I'm almost over being sick. Also, I sneezed while typing the other day and my keyboard tray broke. Smooth, I know. It had been threatening to break for a while now. Luckily David's old desk is sitting unused in his brother's room, so I get to have it as a replacement. It's bigger and has more storage space! Yay!
Because there's not much to talk about, I'll just share some stuff with you. The first thing is a picture I took yesterday of my gorgeous kitty Leora.
And now, here is the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible. But you just have to laugh.
A kitty torture chamber??
Because there's not much to talk about, I'll just share some stuff with you. The first thing is a picture I took yesterday of my gorgeous kitty Leora.

A kitty torture chamber??
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Deathly Hallows will be a two-parter!
It's official! The final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be made into two movies! This is, of course, to accomodate the length and ensure that nothing important gets left out. While I know that it's going to be a bit annoying to have to wait to see the second half, my biggest complaint about the movies so far is that they've left so much stuff out that the movies don't even seem to run very smoothly to me in a lot of places. Hopefully this shouldn't be an issue for The Deathly Hallows, parts 1 & 2.
Of course we still have Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to look forward to in the meantime. That's coming out in November of this year. I can't wait!
Of course we still have Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to look forward to in the meantime. That's coming out in November of this year. I can't wait!
harry potter
LJ-cut / Sickness
Ok. The LJ-cut is officially the most brilliant thing in the universe. Why doesn't Blogger/BlogSpot have something like that? I guess because then it would have to be called a BS-cut and that just doesn't sound right. Oh well. I'm not usually long-winded enough to require a cut anyway, but this means that if I go on a picture posting spree it's going to take up a lot room on the main page.
I'm sick. First my brother-in-law had it, then my husband had it, and now I have apparently gotten it. No fun. Also, I have yet another song stuck in my head today, so I may end up having to retract my previous statement about songs not gluing themselves to my brain. Luckily it's a song I really love, but I hope I don't end up being sick of it by the time I finally get it out of my head.
Today I pretty much sat in front of the computer all day long. I can't even remember what I've been working on all this time. I watched some videos on YouTube, downloaded the Yahoo Messenger 9.0 beta, and showed my mom how to use the Prt Scr key. Where did all the hours go?
I'm sick. First my brother-in-law had it, then my husband had it, and now I have apparently gotten it. No fun. Also, I have yet another song stuck in my head today, so I may end up having to retract my previous statement about songs not gluing themselves to my brain. Luckily it's a song I really love, but I hope I don't end up being sick of it by the time I finally get it out of my head.
Today I pretty much sat in front of the computer all day long. I can't even remember what I've been working on all this time. I watched some videos on YouTube, downloaded the Yahoo Messenger 9.0 beta, and showed my mom how to use the Prt Scr key. Where did all the hours go?
my day
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Living Room / Come Reason
Tonight's Bible study at The Living Room was really good. The teaching was great, as usual, plus Steve Wiggins played some new songs for us. The one that stood out to me the most is called "A Heart That Burns For You." It's a really gorgeous song and I can't wait until I can have it for my ipod. Steve says they're going to play it at church next week, so I'm looking forward to that.
I think that's pretty much all that happened today. I did more job hunting but didn't get much of anywhere. Yesterday I ended up going to Come Reason after all because my dad's online class was cancelled for the week. I ended up getting two free CDs, so I'm extra glad I was able to go. The subject was the resurrection as a fact of history. One of the CDs I got was from last year when he taught on the same subject, so I'll be able to go back over it and take more detailed notes.
In case you're curious, one of the things he talked about were known historical facts surrounding the resurrection and how they are evidence that Jesus really rose from the dead. The five points that he talked about that are agreed upon by most scholars, Christian or not, are these:
1. Jesus died by crucifixion
2. Jesus was buried
3. Jesus' tomb was discovered empty a few days later
4. The disciples all truly believed that they saw the risen Jesus
5. The skeptics James and Paul were suddenly converted after they claimed to have seen the risen Jesus, and they were both so sure of it that they died for their belief.
Lenny recommended a book that talks about these points called The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas.
I think that's pretty much all that happened today. I did more job hunting but didn't get much of anywhere. Yesterday I ended up going to Come Reason after all because my dad's online class was cancelled for the week. I ended up getting two free CDs, so I'm extra glad I was able to go. The subject was the resurrection as a fact of history. One of the CDs I got was from last year when he taught on the same subject, so I'll be able to go back over it and take more detailed notes.
In case you're curious, one of the things he talked about were known historical facts surrounding the resurrection and how they are evidence that Jesus really rose from the dead. The five points that he talked about that are agreed upon by most scholars, Christian or not, are these:
1. Jesus died by crucifixion
2. Jesus was buried
3. Jesus' tomb was discovered empty a few days later
4. The disciples all truly believed that they saw the risen Jesus
5. The skeptics James and Paul were suddenly converted after they claimed to have seen the risen Jesus, and they were both so sure of it that they died for their belief.
Lenny recommended a book that talks about these points called The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas.
my day
Monday, March 10, 2008
Free Time / Apologetics Classes
A few days ago I bought the newest Sims expansion pack: Free Time. It's really awesome. There are 10 different hobbies for your Sims to get into, such as science, arts and crafts, or sports. There are so many new elements in this game, I can't even list them all. Check out EA's website for more info. I haven't even had time yet to explore most of the hobbies. There are so many new things to do!
The activity table is a really fun object. Both toddlers and children can draw or play with blocks. You can even pick up their drawings in buy mode and hang them on the wall!
I have a bit of a dilemma today. My dad's online apologetics class is every Monday night, but this Monday night (today) is Come Reason with Lenny Esposito at Harvest. It seems to take a while for the audio from my dad's class to get posted on the site, so I guess I'll just get a CD of Come Reason from the church.

I have a bit of a dilemma today. My dad's online apologetics class is every Monday night, but this Monday night (today) is Come Reason with Lenny Esposito at Harvest. It seems to take a while for the audio from my dad's class to get posted on the site, so I guess I'll just get a CD of Come Reason from the church.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Sticky Songs / Unemployment Woes
I was listening to Big Tent Revival yesterday morning, and for the whole rest of the day I had What Would Jesus Do? stuck in my head. Today, randomly, I have Star in the Book of Life stuck in my head. Songs don't normally glue themselves to my brain, so this is very unusual.
I lost my job last Monday, and I've been scrambling to try to find a new one. Today I called back all the places I applied to, but nobody could tell me anything concrete except for the places that aren't actually hiring right now. It doesn't help that I can't drive yet and I'm limited to the places that are within biking distance.
I lost my job last Monday, and I've been scrambling to try to find a new one. Today I called back all the places I applied to, but nobody could tell me anything concrete except for the places that aren't actually hiring right now. It doesn't help that I can't drive yet and I'm limited to the places that are within biking distance.
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