Steve said something today that was a complete revelation to me. He was talking about how when he was new in the faith he was listening to the testimony of a guy who had been really into drugs and all kinds of bad things and how he had overcome all that to become a Christian. He was really impressed by the guy’s testimony, but another guy said that he had heard better: the testimony of a person who had accepted Christ at a young age and hadn’t walked away from the faith but continued to stand firm and to grow in it.
I had always thought that my testimony (I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ at age 3 or 4) was kind of boring and wouldn’t be very impressive compared to a person who had a more dramatic story. What Steve said made me think about it in a whole new light and made me realize more fully the value of my testimony. So many people who accept Christ as children turn from it once they get older and are exposed to and tempted by the things of the world. So while it’s a miracle when someone turns from their sinful ways to trust in God, it might be even more of a miracle for someone to resist turning to those sinful ways in the first place.

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