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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cupcakes / The Well

Yesterday I made cupcakes for the first time in my life. Not that it's hard or anything. Well, except for the decorative frosting part. Mine look like a 10 year old frosted them, but that's ok. They're yummy. The thing is, there's a ton of them. For some reason I decided to make both chocolate and vanilla, so I have two boxes worth of cupcakes. I brought some over to a neighbor's house because there's no way we're going to eat them all before they go bad. Their kids seemed very excited about it. I guess free cupcakes are always a good thing.
Yesterday was my first day going to my church's college-age group, The Well. It was good, but since David can't go because he bowls on Fridays, I was lonely. Still, I think I'll probably try it again next week. They're going on a retreat in May and doing four workshops, including The Bible and Apologetics. I would love to go, but it's $130.


Anonymous said...

Cupcakes! They look yummy!

Hope you make some nice friends at the church group. =D

Fandom Geek said...

Thanks! I hope so too.